June 14, 2010
Dear Baby,
Guess what. MTV answered. I know I didn’t believe it either
at first when I opened my inbox and saw an email from someone with an MTV email
address. They basically just asked for more pictures and information. I’m
assuming they want some sort of belly shot to make sure I’m pregnant. But the
thing is I’m not even showing yet. I’m 25 weeks tomorrow but I was really
pushing my stomach out in the picture I sent them. This is so crazy to me. I
still don’t think anything is going to come from this. But it gives me
something to write to you about.
What else can I tell you about? I definitely feel you moving
around in there. It’s the weirdest feeling. It’s especially weird because I
don’t have a belly yet so sometimes I forget that I am pregnant until I feel
you wiggling around. I hope you’re doing well in there.
June 21, 2010
Dear Baby,
I think you’ll be as shocked as I am to know that we are
still moving along with MTV. I have been emailing back and forth with them and
sending them more info on us. Today we even created a little video interview to
send in. Daddy is so shy around a camera already so I could just imagine if we
were chosen for the show. But I think overall it went well. Maybe we are kind
of boring even. My parents aren’t kicking me out because I’m pregnant and I’m
not talking to my friends so there’s no drama there. Overall we are just very
un-dramatic. Haha. We will see how it goes.
I will be 26 weeks tomorrow and still no belly. You still
move around a lot. The best way I can describe it is that it feels like a
little fish swimming around inside of me. I love to use the Doppler to listen
to your heartbeat.
* Some details of these letters were changed because I was asked not to share specifics regarding MTV's casting process. Therefore some minor details were edited so as not to fully explain the process. *
* Some details of these letters were changed because I was asked not to share specifics regarding MTV's casting process. Therefore some minor details were edited so as not to fully explain the process. *
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